Make a Donation

By donating to The Assumptions Foundation, you help us make our education more accessible. You support us in creating a nurturing and diverse learning environment that fosters a value-driven approach.

You Help in 3 Key Areas

  • Previous Students 
  • Current Students
  • Buildings

We Believe Everyone Has the Right to a Great Education

By donating to The Assumptions Foundation, you help us make our education more accessible. You support us in creating a nurturing and diverse learning environment that fosters a value-driven approach. 
At Rygaards School, we aim to help children not only become good students but life-long learners who develop characteristics such as self-awareness, empathy, resilience, confidence, trust, and curiosity for the world around them.  

Your donation will allow us to help: 

  • Current students of Rygaards in financial need to attend Rygaards School and our activities 
  • Former students of Rygaards to support their educational path after Rygaards School
  • Maintenance and improvements of our buildings to enhance the learning environment